Facebook Ads Couldn't Save His Business...

Facebook Ads Couldn't Save His Business

What happens when you spend thousands on quick fixes instead of strategy.

Milanie Grae & Jason Dellatolla

Want to know the most expensive words in business?

"Let's just run some ads to get quick results."

One of our clients—let's call him Mark—did exactly that.

His situation might sound familiar:

  • Website that didn't reflect his true value
  • Confused prospects asking too many questions
  • Pressure to get quick results

So he did what many founders do —threw money at Facebook ads hoping for quick wins.

The results?

  • 6-7 calls booked
  • Most no-showed
  • The rest weren't willing to pay
  • Zero conversions
  • Thousands wasted

Here's what he discovered (and why it matters for your business):

  1. His ideal clients (anxious professionals) needed about 7 hours of "contact time" through content and newsletters before they were ready to buy
  2. Quick-fix marketing might bring leads, but they're usually the wrong ones
  3. Clear communication across ALL touchpoints matters more than any single tactic

The real breakthrough?

He realized he didn't need more leads—he needed the right communication strategy to attract perfect-fit clients who were ready to invest.

When he finally came to us, his exact words were: "I made a massive mistake not coming to you guys first."

Here's why this matters for your business:

If your ideal clients need trust before they buy (and whose don't?), quick-fix marketing is costing you more than just ad spend—it's costing you the clients you actually want to work with.

You'll only know this when you understand customer behaviour.

(Something we happen to specialize in)

What's your experience with quick-fix marketing? Hit reply and let me know.

Want To Work With Us? Here Are 3 Ways We Can Help You

1. Get your Brand Roast: We'll analyze your messaging, identify missed opportunities, and show you exactly why perfect-fit clients might be passing you by. In just 72 hours, walk away with actionable insights to sharpen your positioning and command higher prices. (Prices starting at $349).

2. Join our Consulting Program - Attract and retain perfect-fit clients through science-backed strategies. Our lead strategist and subject matter experts guide you through proven frameworks to position your service as the clear authority in your space, making you the obvious choice for high-value clients (Prices staring at $2k)

3. Comprehensive Strategy Packages - We research, develop, and implement science-backed strategies that position you to attract ideal clients consistently. Using behavioural science and data-driven insights, we craft messaging that resonates deeply with your perfect-fit prospects. (Prices starting at $10k)